A simple way to lead men into God’s word.
Resources that allow you to lead with confidence.
Connect with men on the very same mission.
Learn a skill to enhance every part of your life.

Half of all men who claim the name of Christ will never lead anyone into scripture. You can change that.
Men Step Up may be perfect for you if…
You’d like a better handle on the word of God
You keep on falling for the same old lies
You’re afraid a group of men wouldn’t listen to you
You wonder if you’ve got what it takes to lead
You struggle to connect your faith with your daily life
You feel like you’ve tried everything to reach your men
Men battle time, distraction, and a world full of lies.
Getting them to stop and engage in God’s word can feel impossible.
So we created a simple process that helps men pause, speak their mind, and compare their beliefs against the truth of God’s word.
Men discover more on a journey together. We equip you to lead that journey so that each man finds truth and no one leaves in bondage to lies.
Serving and leading should be simple. Just ask these guys.
What do leaders like you say about Men Step Up?

How we help men encounter God
Small Groups
On a road trip, men find exactly what they’re looking for. That’s why our guides don’t teach a study. They lead a road trip where every man gets heard, God is honored, and every man returns a little bit different.
Men’s Ministry
Men change when they’re involved in a process, not an event. If you’re a church leader who wants to see more men engaged in God’s word and new leaders rising up, Men Step Up can help you with that.
Want a conference or a retreat that leads to something more? We’ll help you plan an experience where your men have blast, get a new grip on God’s word, and leave with the desire to lead.
“This is great stuff. Thanks! I just went through it now. Once again I am amazed at the simplicity of it – which is what men appreciate. But it’s also rich and deep.”
— Bruce D., North Dakota

5 Lies Men (Still) Believe About Friendship
Download the free resource and dive in with your men.
Enter your email below to discover the 5 Lies Men (Still) Believe About Friendship, and then discover what God has to say.
When you see how the lies affect the quality of your life and the quality of your friendships, you’ll be amazed at what God’s truth can mean for the relationships in your life.